Soul Tears Guest Appearance
All images are copyright of TBN UK
From the day Zoe Clark-Coates’ brand new talk show Soul Tears launched on TBNUK,I have not missed an episode. It is one of those talk shows everyone can relate to because at one point or another everyone has or will experience loss. Zoe and her husband Andy have personally grieved the loss of five babies during their travels in this journey called life. The Clark-Coates took their pain and used it as fuel to hold others by the hand, as they transition and learn to cope or deal with loss and grief and also through their pain, the charity Mariposa Trust, (more often known by its leading division Saying Goodbye) was launched. The charity offers vital support to thousands of grieving parents and relatives globally reaching over 50,000 people each week.
Zoe has said, she feels it is important to “share my story in the hope it may make others feel less alone” and has opened up a platform to those who have suffered loss through this TBN UK talk show, Soul Tears. Guests from all walks of life will share honest stories of their heartache and pain, and their unique responses to loss and grief.
Soul Tears, is a rare and timely exploration of loss and grief that will leave you knowing that you are not alone.
Zoe Clark-Coates Image Credit: TBNUK